Open Letter to Ministries concerned with Reform and practice of Policework locally

[Le Mauricien - Maurice] - 12/02/2025
Dear Sir/ Madam, The much-needed reforms in multiple walks of our nation’s life were clearly expressed by the landslide election results a few months ago, and it would thus be safe to say that most Mauritians agree deeply and inherently that one cannot move forward if we fail to identify, (…)
... article publié par le journal "Le Mauricien". Lire la suite de l'article >
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Dans les journaux mauriciens

Mahend Gungapersad : « Un Blueprint après les Assises de l’Éducation en avril »
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[Le Mauricien] - 6/02/2025
À l’Est : Deux motocyclistes perdent la vie à Providence, ce lundi
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Le Thai Poosam Kavadi et ses symboles
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[Le Mauricien] - 10/02/2025
190TH ANNIVERSARY ABOLITION OF SLAVERY, REPUBLIC OF MAURITIUS – Contested Knowledge in History & Memory of Enslaved Peoples
Activities commemorating the 190th anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery in the Republic of Mauritius may have (…)
[Le Mauricien] - 7/02/2025

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